Human Resource professionals know that managing time efficiently is crucial to success. HR is responsible for managing employee records, report on employee performance, handling employee satisfaction, take care of the payroll, vetting resumes and conducting interviews. These tasks, and many more, require a high level of concentration which takes up a lot of time.
It is time for HR to take a deep breath and let today’s cutting-edge technology ease the burden.
Talent Acquisition
Vetting resumes diligently in a time-efficient manner is one of the biggest challenges the HR department faces.
Artificial Intelligence recruiting software does much more than just check if a resume ticks the right boxes. It tracks and assesses job candidates throughout the entire hiring process. AI platforms have the ability to sift through hundreds of resumes to see if basic qualifications are met, automatically notify candidates if they do not meet the position’s requirements, suggest other positions that are available, and vastly reduces much of the manual work needed to finish the hiring process.
A survey by Talent Tech Labs discovered that almost three-quarters of companies surveyed said they are using some form of AI recruiting software, and the remaining ones said they expect to implement it in the next two years.
Every HR professional and job seeker knows that a face to face interview is necessary to determine job suitability. If candidates were judged by resumes alone it would be pretty easy to overlook great talent in spite of what may be lacking on paper. Personality, enthusiasm, and professionalism are all characteristics that can only be assessed in an interview.
However, just like vetting CVs, the interview process eats up a lot of time. In addition to the time it takes to interview candidates, time must be also spent on scheduling, reporting, and follow-ups.
Video interviewing is the process of conducting interviews through video technology remotely. It has become very popular because of its convenience and cost-effectiveness. Companies today are taking advantage of this opportunity by conducting a face to face interview via webcam or employing pre-recorded AI managed systems to conduct the interview.
It’s safe to assume that candidates are not always straightforward about their skills, abilities, and past experiences. AI mimics what an HR recruiter looks for during an interview by reading facial expressions, composure, tone and other such details. An AI managed pre-recorded video interview helps analyze the content of a candidate’s answer. For example, a skills test may ask a candidate to write a sample blog post, then, in a pre-recorded video interview, the AI asks why the candidate selected that topic and follows up with questions that can later be analyzed by the recruiter. It can drastically cut down on the time and attention required to review each candidate’s performance.
Email Overflow
Email communication is the oil that makes the corporate machine work. Emails in the workplace demand immediate attention which can easily disrupt workflow and delay tasks.
“Email is good when you want to communicate broadly,” says Alan Zucker, founder of Project Management Essentials. “Complex ideas or discussions, however, are not effectively communicated by email. Those discussions should take place face-to-face, or through an interactive platform.”
“Packing multiple, disparate topics into a single email will be ineffective. People are more effective when they break complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks. Experience shows that teams that decompose their work into tasks that can be delivered quickly, are more productive,” he says.
Interoffice messaging platforms such as Slack and Telegram are designed to simplify communication without sacrificing time normally taken up by emails, and it helps induce more productive solutions to complex tasks.
Employee Turnover
Employees are an investment. From the moment they join your business the dollar signs start racking up. Everything from the interview onwards, such as training, is performed under the presumption that the time and money spent will ultimately generate value for the company.
When a company has a high turnover of workers, the repetition of the procedure and the expense of recruiting a replacement hurts a company’s overhead. In a study by Rutgers University, it is estimated every lost employee costs a company an average of 38 percent of the individual’s wages.
It would mean big bucks if there was a way to tell pre-hire if someone would quit that first year.
Nevertheless, businesses can identify a lack of satisfaction by utilizing HR management systems (HRMS) that can quickly remedy the common issues brought to the HR department, such as onboarding, pay periods, and vacation time problems. It offers savvy communication modules and time-saving integrations that directly contributes to employee satisfaction.
HRMS help give insight into what actions could be taken to increase employee retention, such as fostering team cohesiveness, providing clear socialization and communication about the corporation’s values and culture, as well as offering financial incentives based on performance.
Employee Burnout
Employee strain and burnout is a virus that can easily infect the workplace. Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes is the very first step needed to combat it. For example, if an employee is taking more than their regular share of sick days, the origin of the problem could very well be stress.
According to the American Institute of Stress, job-related stress is the number one source of stress amongst American adults. Numerous studies have shown that high levels of job stress have repeatedly been associated with increased rates of heart attack, hypertension, and other disorders.
Work-related stress doesn’t stop when the clock hits 5 o’clock. According to the Workforce Institute, 81% of employees work outside regular hours and 63% of employees say they continue to work off the clock even if it violates company policy. It is the responsibility of the HR department to stopgap this unchecked stress.
Technology such as a timekeeping software gives HR teams access to all-inclusive coverage options with only a few clicks. Utilizing comprehensive applications, HR professionals can easily pinpoint various performance and productivity areas that need to be addressed. They can also customize dashboards and analytics to identify flows in an organization’s operations, or even predict potential complications before they happen.