Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash
COVID-19 effectively slammed the brakes on most business operations throughout the world. One by one, companies shuttered their doors, oversaw losses, and watched their workforce shrink as employees were let go or forced to work remotely.
As a result, what most once knew as “company culture” became nothing more than a whisper — remnants of the world before the pandemic, and perhaps, one that would never be the same again. After all, what culture is there to be had without a physical office space? Could Zoom calls and Slack conversations replace physical interactions completely?
There are undoubtedly more questions to ask, and even more without answers. Still, company culture remains a piece that never really goes away in times of great adversity — even if it only takes place through a screen. Ultimately, it’s what crafts a business’s identity, defines its worth, and separates it from others. It’s the reason employees might be drawn to one employer versus another, and why a business’s reputation is now so significant in the growing market.
So, when it seems like the world is crashing to pieces, it’s left to one group to pull the remnants together and make something new. While HR professionals have a lot on their plate, it’s clear that maintaining company culture is their primary task when pulling their workforce through hard times. By following these three methods, HR teams can help their business make it out of hardships alive — and make it out stronger than before.
Communication is Crucial
Remote working has a few unique benefits for employees to enjoy, such as travel flexibility and reduced commute times. However, it can also limit communication capabilities and reduce collaboration. As a result, HR teams must work double-time to maintain company culture and connections between employees.
At this point, online tools are not just useful — they are crucial. HR teams can utilize resources like Facebook or Zoom to host fun workforce meetings, share valuable tips, and uphold a sense of community. As employee creativity flourishes thanks to these innovative communication techniques, they might even provide out of the box ideas that would not have been possible at the office.
Prioritize Employee Well-Being
Your company’s culture will crash and burn if its employees don’t feel that their health and safety are genuinely valued. While this effort should always remain a priority, HR must go all-out to ensure employee well-being when faced with something like COVID-19.
From ensuring physical office spaces are optimized to comply with social distancing measures; to supplying employees with free masks and hand sanitizers, the process of keeping your workforce safe is one that won’t ever cease in importance. This means constant monitoring of any changes in local health guidelines, regularly asking employees if they feel safe enough in the workplace, and operating on a safety-first protocol.
Overall, the task of keeping a workforce safe shouldn’t be rushed. Take the time to ensure your HR team knows its plan of attack and set things into action as smoothly as possible without overwhelming employees.
Let Employees Know They Can Rely on HR
Some are led to believe that HR is only there for them when they have a concern to voice or just need hiring advice. But that is the furthest from the truth! In times of adversity, the role of HR should not be limited to these simple notions if your business hopes to maintain its company culture.
Flexibility, understanding, and knowledge are the pillars of a practical HR approach to a disaster like COVID-19. Just as your business experiences a fair amount of stress while incorporating new and unexpected changes, so will your employees to a possible further degree. To keep employee well-being in check throughout the day, HR’s role must expand to account for an employee’s woes, offer useful tips, answer concerns about workforce changes, and act as a gentle guide to get them back onto their feet at a time of uncertainty.
By letting your employees know they can rely on HR in times of adversity, their trust and appreciation for your business will only grow once things return to normal.
When the Heat Turns Up
HR teams play a crucial role in maintaining a business’s operational success even when it does not seem like the world is ending. Of course, their determination will be further tested when something like COVID-19 comes around to knock on the door. However, with the right preparation and approach, HR professionals can be the difference-maker in a situation where between a company culture that fizzles out under pressure versus one that thrives. By following these methods above, your business can be one of the latter.