Photo by Daniele Franchi on Unsplash
Marketing has been permanently altered with the social revolution because companies no longer determine the brand. Instead, it is the experiences of the customers with their products or services that dictate this perception. Moreover, corporate messages are no longer considered to be true without thorough scrutiny and questioning. Instead, consumers began to trust the recommendations of complete strangers.
More importantly, customers also started sharing their personal opinions regarding companies without any filters or inhibitions. Rapidly, marketing began to adapt to such changes, and an inbound marketing strategy was implemented to approaches related to outbound and brand marketing.
This digital disruption affected talent acquisition as well. However, this sphere is still trying to adapt to the changes, as it continues to depend on advertising, even though key talent still does not pay heed to important jobs. Corporations are still taken aback by what is being said about Glassdoor, although the corporate messages are entirely conflicting. Not just that! Every company is looking for the same talent.
Now more than ever, there is a need to revolutionize recruitment. Particularly in three areas, there is a need for talent acquisition to follow marketing lead and formulate strategies:
Talent Branding
When it comes to talent branding through the lens of marketing, the product is nothing but the job role, or essentially the work. Essentially a recruiter is a product manager for a company while the product is the work. To market work, you must think way beyond the products or services offered by the business. Instead, you must pay attention to the facets of the job itself. Although company culture is crucial, work can be defined by understanding the different components of the job.
For instance, if a person does go for a specific job, how will their career be affected along with their experience and the learning curve, and what would their future implications be?
Outbound Recruiting
Outbound Recruiting involves the marketing of our work to the target audiences. This includes recruitment advertising in different forms, including job boards, job board aggregators, social media, search engine optimization, and the development of landing pages to focus on either key talent segments or our company’s unique offers.
It is crucial to narrate our story using advertising, which will continue to be a crucial component of every marketing mix. Moreover, when we put on the marketing lens, something else becomes very clear. As opposed to using lengthy descriptions with job requirements, it is best to market a job by focusing on the experience and the skills that a person will get to leverage in the job and how it will improve their value in the job market.
Inbound Recruiting
When an inbound recruiting strategy is integrated with the marketing mix of a company, many positive effects can be witnessed, particularly because today’s environment is extremely competitive for key talent. In the case of outbound recruiting, our work is advertised to the masses.
Alternatively, in the case of inbound recruiting, the target talent is segmented in a manner that helps us deal with those that are crucial to us and build long-term relationships with them. So, outbound recruiting only attempts to direct people’s attention towards the immediate work that is available. On the other hand, inbound recruiting attempts to enhance the overall value of the target talent, which goes beyond a job and makes them wonder how they can remain relevant and offer value to a specific profession or specialized skill area.
Inbound recruiting aims to remain the primary thought when the target talent is looking for their next role. This method involves leveraging content, information, as well as events, as opposed to job ads. Many firms make use of a talent pipeline or talent community strategy to optimize the inbound recruiting strategy’s positive impact.