Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash
During this pandemic, all of us are trying to cope with an underlying baseline stress level. A lot of us understand that there is a need to appreciate what we do have while remaining empathetic to others.
As organization leaders, there is a need to realize that every person in the team is dealing with some loss due to the current crisis, which may include a loss of a loved one, financial issues, or even the loss of normalcy. Team leaders today are all asking the same question: How can creativity and effective solutions be fostered without overlooking the well-being of each team member?
Empathetic Leadership
Conventionally, we have always assessed the leaders of firms based on their accomplishments, qualifications, and specific skills. However, merit itself is not sufficient for leaders to gain the trust of their team members.
Empathetic leadership involves several aspects, such as active listening to every person on the team, establishing associations between different perspectives, and creating a safe space for diverse voices to be heard. With the workforce shifting to remote work, this kind of leadership is even more crucial.
Now more than ever, there is a need for leaders to demonstrate interpersonal skills and shape their management styles in such a way that their employees are driven. Remember that no matter what, your employees must remain central to everything you do.
To deal with the challenges posed in the last 18 months, we have outlined three tips that can help you lead with empathy and ensure that employees remain engaged:
A Time for Reflection
Last year directed us into mass chaos that we never expected to come, but still, it provided us with time to think and reflect. Many people began to assess their old patterns and have come to the realization that it is vital to maintain work-life balance for overall well-being.
Today, people are more willing to take some time off during the middle of the day for a brisk walk and log off at proper times so they can spend quality time with their loved ones. To maximize success, it is important for leaders to continue allowing employees to do so.
Sharing Is Caring
You do not know what your team members are going through at home, which could include children climbing up the walls, elderly people trying to cope with the health risks, and those who are quarantined alone away from their family and friends.
Make a strong effort to ask your team members how they are feeling and encourage them to share their struggles. This is only possible if you also talk openly about your life too and provide them with tips on how you are handling the situation. Rest assured knowing, with this form of sensitivity, the emotional bonding between your team members and allows them to better focus on their jobs.
Appreciating Diversity is Key
Organizations need diversity to reflect their customer base and think creatively, inclusively accurately, and ultimately foster solutions that may get overlooked. So it is important to provide adequate space to ensure the well-being of your employees through diversity, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging. With a focus on diversity, equality, and inclusion, empathetic leaders can create an organization focused on connection and motivation and foster a sense of belonging while increasing productivity.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put everything into perspective and required us to change in every facet of how we do business, including leadership. Empathetic leaders who make time to reflect, check-in with their team, and challenge their own perspectives will be able to transition help themselves and the team out of the pandemic stronger and more connected than ever before